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I was born in California and raised in New York. When I was 12 1/2 I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I have tried every anticonvulsant(seizure medication) on the market, nothing seems to work for long or I had a very bad reaction. When I was 17 I had brain surgery that removed a portion of my right temporal lobe, that greatly reduced the severity of the seizures I had been having and the different types. Now I mainly just have one type of seizure, but they are still seizures and it's no walk in the part and they are a thorn in my side to put it lightly. All I can do is smile and put one foot in front of the other and hope for the best everyday and I'll keep doing that until something changes. About My Blog: I started this blog to spread the word about living epilepsy. I would like to think I am a simple girl. Living my life day to day blogging on a semi-regular basis all depending on my seizure activity and if my epilepsy feel like causing a ruckus. Otherwise I’m here to spread the word, voice my opinion, and politely re-educate people when they are misinformed & jump to conclusions when they hear “seizures and epilepsy” and think the worst. I also have a passion for cooking & photography which I post weekly or as often as I can. You really never know what will show up on my blog, you just have to wait and see.
October 30, 2018-Now
October 30, 2018 - Intracranial Monitoring (2 Surgeries)
February 21, 2019 - Laser Ablation Surgery
Rehabilitation at Kessler
July - Neuropace Implanted